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Wear your Curls

Embracing Curly Hair

Embracing Curly Hair

Dear Curly Heads,

Does the following sound familiar: "I hate my hair" or "I wish I had her hair"? I found myself saying this pretty much every morning growing up. It took me over two decades to truly love my hair and embrace it. To love MY curls and not wish I had someone else's. Was this an overnight thing? Absolutely not! Did I try before? Many times, but I was very inconsistent and therefore did not stick to it. If you weren't raised to love your natural hair, embracing it and confidently wearing it is not something that happens automatically.


What is a CurlCase?

What is a CurlCase?

Dear Curly Heads,

Let me ask you this: does your cell phone have a case? If your answer is no, stop reading this and go get a case for it immediately! However, for the vast majority of us with cell phones the answer to that is yes. Why? Because we want to protect our phones. We want them to last because they’re an investment. Your phone is important to you; most don’t even leave home without it! This is what a CurlCase does for your hair (ANY type of hair, not just curly hair). Encase it to protect it and...

My Curly Hair Routine

My Curly Hair Routine

Learn how I've come to love and trust my naturally curly hair including my wash routine, product choices, drying methods, and making those good hair days last.

My Top 3 Must Have Tools for Curls

My Top 3 Must Have Tools for Curls

Dear Curly Heads,

Many of us have heard the saying "good things come in threes". Well this is especially true when it comes to maintaining your curls. There are three tools that I swear by and you should too! They are:

  1. Detangler which also works as a styling brush
  2. Spray bottle for misting the hair
  3. Hair pick for shaping your hair


I find that it is best to detangle curly hair while you are still in the shower and with conditioner in your hair. The combination of wet hair and conditioner adds more slip...

Quiz! Do I need a CurlCase?

Quiz! Do I need a CurlCase?

Do I need a CurlCase?

Take this quick quiz to decide if the CurlCase might be the perfect fit for you! 

  1. Is your hair important to you?
  2. Are you low-maintenance and short on time?
  3. Are you looking for a faster morning routine?
  4. Do you want to make a hair style last more than just one day?
  5. Do you want something to help your hair retain moisture while still allowing it to breathe?
  6. Do you want less wash days (for your hair, can’t help you with your laundry!)?
  7. Do you still have to touch up your hair...

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