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Behind Wear Your Curls

Wear Your Curls initially started as a hair vlogging page to promote the love of natural hair and embracing of one’s own natural curls. However, within a month of doing this, I knew this wasn’t enough. I had to make a bigger impact in the hearts and self-esteem of those in the natural hair community (including those who have not yet decided that they are ready to wear their natural hair).

Wear Your Curls is about helping those with naturally curly hair love, embrace, and wear their natural curls. By providing the right tools and sharing tips, tricks, and advice my goal is to make it easier for other curly heads to wear their curls.

When it comes to hair many of us curly heads grew up being told that for nice hair you have to withstand the pain. And of course, nice hair meant having it straight. Although there is nothing wrong with having straight hair, there is also absolutely nothing wrong with having curly hair. Curly hair is beautiful! Curly hair is professional! Curly hair is formal! Curly hair is attractive! Curly hair is you! No one should be made to feel like they need to alter the way their hair naturally looks just to fit in, or be accepted.

Wear Your Curls is for every child, teen, and adult who perhaps wants to love and wear their natural hair, but is not sure how to because they were never taught to embrace it and were told, or made to feel that wearing it curly didn't look best. Well, it's time we redefine "best".

To every naturally curly head out there I say: Wear Your Curls!

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