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About Felisha

Growing up I was always passionate about hair. In fact, in my family I was always the go-to person for all things hair related. Throughout my my entire life, I always had to hear my mother, aunts, and women at the hair salons say: “Para moños bonitos hay que aguantar jalones” as they pulled and tugged at my hair. Translated: for nice hair you have to withstand the pain. And of course, nice hair meant having it as straight and smooth as could be. For a naturally curly head like me that meant a lot of heat, a lot of pain, and a lot of time - three things I would eventually learn I am not willing to go through or give up today.

When my mother used to take me to hair salons to get my hair done I always left feeling ugly, insecure, and with low self-esteem. In fact, some of these salons would tell my mother that if she wasn’t going to allow them to perm/relax my hair then she could not bring me back there again. No little girl should ever be made to feel the way I was.

Fast-forward to my late teenage years: my sister embraced her natural hair a long time before I did and always encouraged me to do the same. It took me almost a decade to listen to her advice, but late is better than never and I am so glad I did. She was a big inspiration for me and so I dedicate Wear Your Curls to her. 

And for you, my dearest curly heads, I hope I can inspire you too to Wear Your Curls!

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