OUR WYC ANNIVERSARY SALE ENDS SOON. 10% Off Everything! No Code Needed. Discount Taken Off at Checkout. Ends Monday, March 31st at Midnight EST!

Our Prevention Policy for COVID-19


In the current environment, it is important for all of us to be health-conscious. As the situation with COVID-19 (the coronavirus) evolves day-to-day, our top priority during these challenging times continues to be the health and safety of our team, customers, and communities. We want you to be aware of the steps we are taking to ensure your health with Wear Your Curls products. 

At WYC, taking care of our beloved customers, our community, and our team is very important to us. Our entire team has been trained on proper hand-washing protocol, work areas area cleaned prior to shipping each order, and all employees wear gloves when packaging your orders. All of the products that you have purchased from WYC have been in stock in our facility prior to the pandemic reaching the USA.

In perfect conditions, the COVID-19 virus can live on a surface anywhere from a few hours to a few days. WYC controls every aspect of order processing and packaging. We sanitize before processing orders, and re-sanitize packages prior to USPS drop off to ensure that there is absolutely no possibility of WYC products causing any infection.  

We apologize for any delays in getting your order to you. Production or shipping may be impacted by global issues beyond our control, and cause a bit of a wait. Currently, international orders are taking anywhere from 60-90 days through the USPS. We now offer international shipping via DHL which guarantees deliveries in a matter of days.

Please note: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in order to keep our staff and other amazing customers such as yourself safe, we are not accepting returns nor exchanges until further notice. We thank you for your understanding.

Take care and stay safe curly heads!

WYC Team


Don't forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok @wearyourcurls for tips, tricks, and tutorials on all things curly. Then show us how you rock your curls by using the hashtag #wearyourcurls.

Have a CurlCase? Make sure to use the hashtags #CurlCase and #CurlCaseClique. We would love to see and hear from you!

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