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Adjustable CurlCase®
Adjustable CurlCase®
Adjustable CurlCase®
Adjustable CurlCase®
Adjustable CurlCase®
Adjustable CurlCase®

Adjustable CurlCase®

Regular price $35

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See size chart

The CurlCase® was specially created to make it easier to Wear Your Curls.

Its design and fabric will protect your hairstyle, making good hair days last longer than ever before! However, don’t let the name fool you — the CurlCase® helps all hair types and styles, from curls, waves, kinks and coils, to braids, twists and locks. CurlCase® your hair to protect and preserve it, whatever the style.

Our adjustable CurlCase®  features an upgraded design for the perfect fit, ensuring maximum comfort and style for all head sizes! The fabric is ultra-soft, silkier, and lighter. This easy-to-adjust CurlCase® makes it even easier to protect and preserve your hair, whatever the style. Style it once, wear it for days. Skip the wash; keep the style!

Do I need a CurlCase? Take the CurlCase Quiz!

CurlCase® Length

Short: 14"

Medium: 22"

Extra Medium: 26"

Long: 30"


FABRIC CONTENT: Nylon and Spandex (No polyester or cotton materials)


Adjustable CurlCase®
Adjustable CurlCase®
Adjustable CurlCase®
Adjustable CurlCase®

Customer Reviews

Based on 131 reviews

Tenia el primer curl case
Pero este me gusta mas,muy suave la tela y el poder ajustarlo es un plus
Great product!!!


This product is slightly different than the original curl case however it is much softer and feels a bit more durable I did have some issue with the elastic being a bit tight but I just flipped it to the other end and it works perfect.

Anna Rux


Melisha Roberts
Great product

I was really impressed with the head covering. It doesn't slip off in my sleep, it is light and doesn't cause me to sweat AT ALL. Honestly, I wish I'd bought two or MORE so I can rotate more often :) Thank you for this!

Robin Freeney
Not sure...

I think I want to try another brand I just saw and compare them two. I was disappointed this morning- my logo
Is peeling off- didn't expect that to happen this fast.

Customer Reviews

Based on 131 reviews

Tenia el primer curl case
Pero este me gusta mas,muy suave la tela y el poder ajustarlo es un plus
Great product!!!


This product is slightly different than the original curl case however it is much softer and feels a bit more durable I did have some issue with the elastic being a bit tight but I just flipped it to the other end and it works perfect.

Anna Rux


Melisha Roberts
Great product

I was really impressed with the head covering. It doesn't slip off in my sleep, it is light and doesn't cause me to sweat AT ALL. Honestly, I wish I'd bought two or MORE so I can rotate more often :) Thank you for this!

Robin Freeney
Not sure...

I think I want to try another brand I just saw and compare them two. I was disappointed this morning- my logo
Is peeling off- didn't expect that to happen this fast.

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